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#StopHateForProfit Social Media Toolkit

Thank you for being a part of the Stop Hate For Profit movement. Building on the early success of  #StopHateForProfit – in which over 1,200 companies and non-profits demanded change from Facebook, including some of the most well-known brands in the world, such as Unilever, Verizon, Adidas, Ford, Williams Sonoma, Patagonia and many more – countless  individuals have joined the #StopHateForProfit  campaign by posting on social media and demanding change

Join to change the conversation about Facebook’s danger to society with some of the posts below to explicitly call out Facebook to #StopHateForProfit.


No Hate

Sample Copy: Facebook claims they address #hate, yet they continue to look the other way as racist, violent groups and posts sow division and split America apart – only taking steps after people are killed. And while they share empty talk about voting, they continue allowing blatant lies and misinformation on election to spread – undermining our democracy.


Stop inciting violence and spreading hate

Choose from messages:

Sample Copy1: From genocides abroad to killings in Kenosha, Facebook must do more to address violence on their platform. They still recommend users to join groups & pages that glorify violence. Tell Facebook to #StopHateForProfit

Sample Copy 3: For years, Facebook has wreaked havoc on communities by allowing racism and hate to flourish on their platform. It’s time for this to end. Join us & make your voice heard; it is time for Facebook to #StopHateForProfit

Sample Copy
4: Facebook continues to recommend groups & posts that glorify violence to its users. We are outraged that this has gone on for years and the platform has yet to take meaningful action. Enough is enough. Join the movement to tell Facebook it’s time to #StopHateForProfit. Sign the petition:

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 Stop Hate For Profit is a trademark of the Anti-Defamation League

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